Sunday, December 29, 2024

The 2025 Pick Your Poison Reading Challenge

Welcome to the 10th and final year of the Pick Your Poison Reading Challenge. I first created this challenge in 2016 when I was looking for a challenge that fit me.  I realized that too many of the challenges I found required too many books, or didn't require enough books to satisfy me, or had topics that I knew I couldn't complete. What I needed, I thought, was a reading challenge that was flexible. Something that crazy readers who gobble down books could dig into, but that might also work for slower readers. Something that got readers thinking about different types of books and exploring different genres, but that also had some flexibility if you absolutely hated one of the topics.

And so I sat down and created a challenge that I thought fit those parameters. I had a great group of friends who encouraged me and did some proofreading. And of course my friend Good Karma jumped in and said, "You can't just post a plain PDF. You need to pretty it up a bit!"  When I protested I didn't know what she meant, she jumped in and jazzed up the fonts and added some nice borders. In subsequent years, she got more creative with the design and proposed a spreadsheet that I could share so people could more easily track things.

But in the past ten years life has changed for us all. Good Karma and the amazing Karly McCutchan who did last year's art work have both had major life issues come up that meant they could no longer continue to help. I've come to realize that while I really have enjoyed  doing this challenge, the truth is that I'm really not particularly good at this social media thing. Every year I start out with great intentions to regularly blog about my progress, and every year I suddenly find myself in December scrambling to finish the next year's challenge with no blogging done.

It has also become increasingly difficult for me to come up with all the different topics each year.  I have tried not to copy from previous years, or to steal from other challenges, but my mind wants to go back to the same sorts of things I've done before.

I love the fact that there are folks out there who have followed me for several years.  I hope that you will enjoy this year's challenge, too.  Feel free to go back and revisit some of my previous challenges in the future, or to maybe mix and match a bit. But most of all, I encourage you all to keep reading and learning and exploring all the amazing books out there!

Thank you for being a part of my journey.

If you want to track your reading progress, feel free to save a copy of this spreadsheet to your own Google documents or to print this PDF.